Phillips FX631A Console Radio (Techniek Radio/TV)

door Maurice ⌂ @, Dordrecht, 26.09.2012, 11:11 (4443 dagen geleden) @ Maurice

indeed a USA scale it is.
At the max left middle there is indeed a special what not to be seen on a HX543A or HX553A scale.

There are posabilyties to reproduce sudge a "simple" dial.

Take out the dial, carefully.

Make a scan on a flatbat-scanner.
Or a pretty good picture with a cam.

Than with a good picture programm f.i. "paintshop" fix the dial by hand.
Doing so by copying parts,characters etc. and retouch the dial.

If that is ok and you have now a new masker you can let it print out on a new
There are glass-print methodes to carry out that work.

Contact f.i. "Ben Dijkman"
He has done that before.

Mark; 1 dial is some what expencive.

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