Philips Cartomatic type 7629 (Algemeen)

door Hugo Sneyers ⌂ @, Tongeren Belgie, 07.08.2014, 06:17 (3764 dagen geleden)

Beste mensen, onderstaande vraag kreeg ik via mail toegestuurd:

I am trying to restore a Cartomatic I tube tester, but I do not have any cards for it.
At least it looks like a Cartomatic I.
More precisely in the Operation Manual it says « Philips Universal- und Röhrenmessgerät Type 7629“.

Do you know about a source for cards for this apparatus ?
Is it the same coding as the Cartomatic III cards ?
Then I could perhaps remake some cards.
However my tube tester also needs 4 control cards and «multimeter mesurements » cards which seem not to be in your database ?

Can you give me any information about this ?
I would be very grateful.


Is er iemand die hier meer van weet ?
Vermoedelijk kwam de man bij mij terecht omdat ik in het verleden meegeholpen heb aan de database van Mario Huizinga en mijn naam daar genoemd wordt maar jammer genoeg heb ik zelf nooit een Cartomatic gehad en kan ik ook niet antwoorden op de gestelde vragen.

Beste dank .... Hugo Sneyers

Philips Cartomatic type 7629

door John Hupse † ⌂, Schoonhoven, 07.08.2014, 13:11 (3764 dagen geleden) @ Hugo Sneyers

Is it the same coding as the Cartomatic III cards ?

No, the Mullard 7629 and the Philips GM7629 use different cards compared to the cards of the Philips GM7633 (Cartomatic III).

There is (or was) a 7629 project, initiated by George M. Bichard. You may check for this.

Documentation for the Mullard 7629 (and for the Philips GM7629) testers is available (free) from the NVHR-database Enter 7629 in the "Type" field, and hit "return".


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