Philips AG9018 question (Algemeen)

door John Hupse † ⌂, Schoonhoven, 20.10.2016, 08:50 (2958 dagen geleden) @ Laurens

You might need to take phase shifts in consideration. I have not checked if the phase of the 800 and the 8 ohm outputs are shifted.

The low-impedance and high-impedance output signals are in-phase.

Can I use the 8/16 ohm output and the 800ohm output simultaneously? Example, 8/16 ohm driving woofers and 800ohms driving mids/and highs.

this is possible, the Philips AG9018 amplifier offers a unique flexibility as it can handle 8/16 ohm loads and 800 ohm loads at the same time.
Of course you have to use an additional 8 or 16 ohm low-pass filter for the woofer, and an additional 800 ohm high-pass filter for the other speakers.

It is even possible to connect a 800 ohm speaker to the left channel, and a 8 ohm speaker to the right channel.


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