Philips de uitvinder hiervan? (Algemeen)

door Armand @, 30.05.2022, 17:25 (706 dagen geleden) @ Andries van Dekken.

Geen Philips uitvinding.
Synchrone triller voeding vindt zijn oorsprong in Amerika.
Werd toegepast in autoradio's en in "farm" radio's (afgelegen gebieden waar geen elektriciteitsnet was).

""The synchronous vibrator has an extra set of points that take the place of the rectifier tube. This acts as a mechanical rectifier.
Both sets of contacts are mounted on the same vibrating reed and operate in sync, as indicated by the dashed line in the diagram. The second set of contacts at B cause the secondary current to always flow through the load in the same direction. In this manner, the contacts at B serve as a full-wave rectifier, eliminating the need for a rectifier tube.

In radio with a synchronous vibrator power supply, the polarity of the input voltage is important since it will determine the rectified output. Incorrect polarity will cause the rectified output to be minus.""


Groeten, Armand

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