Philips 670A platenspeler motor (Gezocht)

door Maurice ⌂ @, Dordrecht, 10.08.2020, 23:31 (1618 dagen geleden) @ Maurice

Think maybe you have to re-aline the main axel, Rotor to the stator
to remove the humm.

At the back there are 3 cut-outs, after removing the connection plate.
Here you can bring in 3 feeler gauge of 0,25mm.
With 3-point screws you have exactly line out the air-gab rotor-stator.

Manual mentons , It is a job not for beginners to allign the rotor.

Page 5 of the manual.
Can be found here NVHR Schematheek
Type in to 2nd. row (Type of Name) 670A -press "zoeken" Button.
Click next "Schema" and you get the PDF.

"I haven't even turned this on to see if it works because as long as I don't it might"

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