potmeter gezocht voor AVO CT160 (Gezocht)

door dekatron, 11.09.2011, 19:27 (4871 dagen geleden) @ electronenbuizen

Dear Sir,

The one in this auction should fit: http://www.ebay.de/itm/CLAROSTAT-2-5K-OHM-4-WATT-WW-POT-1-2-SHAFT-/160145721811?pt=LH_D... but you need to exchange the axis and re-use the old axis. You should also ask the seller K5SVC for the low black model of this potentiometer as he also has a higher (thicker) green model that is not compatible with the black models as you can't change the axis and use the old axis on the green models - it has a much higher resistance track which prohibits the slider to work!

You can easily remove the old axis but you will peobably have to grind one side of the tube the shaft passes through as newer potentiometers have to straight sides whereas th eold potentiometer probably only have one straight side.

While you have the axis removed you should check the slider to see if it has been ground down over the years, if it has it will touch more turns of the winding which means that it will not be as precise as it was when it was manufactured. You can then cut off the new slider from the new potentiometer and solder that one on top of the old slider.

I have done like above on several AVOs, not just the CT160 but also on CT160A, Mk IV and Mk III and it has always worked just fine. Just be sure that you do not get any of the brass filings from the grinding on any of the greased parts of the axis as it will sooner or later get loose and possibly either short the windings or destroy the bearing.

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