Gezocht: schema Amerikaanse Philips radio (Gezocht)

door Ted Mooren @, Amsterdam, 30.10.2021, 15:06 (1170 dagen geleden) @ Theo van Houtert

schaal-afbeelding bij onderstaand artikel

Weliswaar geen schema, maar wel een uitgebreid Amerikaans artikel, beginnend met:
Philips Radio Model 436-AN was "Made in USA
" ... I bought it at a swap meet because it was the first Philips radio I had ever seen that was "Made in U.S.A." Although I am somewhat familiar with Philips radios, I was unaware that any had been made in the United States. The tubes in this set are typical American metal and GT octals of the late 1930's. Several of the tubes in the set are also labeled as "Philips" - "Made in USA".

Broadcast and short wave coverage is continuous from 550 KHz to 22 MHz in 5 bands. Rear panel connections are typical European banana-jack pairs for phono input, antenna and ground, and an external speaker. A rear panel fader rheostat is included for the internal speaker so that its volume level can be adjusted relative to that of an external speaker. The speaker has a cloth bag used as a dust cover, typical of Philips sets of the era. ... "

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